the decision to stop changing my nutrient solution every week has been reconsidered, despite having taken readings which indicated that nutrient levels were adequate. the plant at right is one (and the best-looking one) of three that called it quits during the past week. this particular plant, being the third to die, was showing signs of fading similar to those exhibited by its two predeceased friends. at first, i thought that elevating the crowns slightly might solve the problem - the whole "strawberries hate wet feet thing" - so as soon as i noticed a little wilt, i pulled it up a tick, which obviously didn't help. combine this with the fact that growth the past week has really slowed down; i decided the nutrient levels must be the problem. (a real "DUH" moment actually, considering that having changed the nutrients weekly in the previous season resulted in nothing but explosive growth.)
fortunately, i have a control plant to help me test my reconsidered theory - the lefthand plant pictured below is generally quite healthy but has one stem that's starting to seem like it wants to give up (the one dead center in the photo). iffresh nutrient solution is the right answer, it should still have time to perk back up and tell me i did the right thing.

another fortunately: strawberry plants come in packs of 25. since i originally planted 18 and replaced one, i still had six left, "wintering" in the fridge. i unwrapped three of them just now and replaced those ones whose struggle for life and productivity will live on only in the memories of those people who adored them, however briefly. and not to tempt disaster but i still have three left.
we'll see how the new guys like the party.
Trial & error bud, trial & error! The raised beds are up, now I just need more dirt to fill them in. It was more than we thought. Added some lime & charcol. We also started a compost area. straberries still sleepin' but not for long. Will send pics when in.